BLAGO: A Deep Dive into its Functionality


This detailed breakdown provides a clearer picture of how BLAGO operates, emphasizing its unique approach to fulfilling needs, managing assets, and empowering users through a decentralized network:

1. Needs:

  • “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”: This principle lies at the heart of BLAGO, ensuring everyone’s needs are met while utilizing everyone’s abilities.
  • Joining the Network: Becoming a member is through invitation, creating a trusted network. New members complete a detailed autobiography, feeding their history, skills, and social connections into the AI for personalized understanding.
  • Communicating with the AI: All interactions with BLAGO are facilitated by the AI, simplifying user experience and enabling nuanced understanding of individual needs.
  • Expressing Needs: Users articulate their needs — from basic necessities like food and shelter to more complex desires — which are then analyzed and categorized by the AI based on their characteristics and cost.
  • Needs as NFT Tokens: Validated needs are tokenized as NFTs and displayed on a public marketplace. This transparent system allows anyone to contribute towards fulfilling these needs directly, with the funds used for their realization.
  • 2. Assets:
  • Tokenized Assets: Users provide information about their assets to the AI, which assesses their value and characteristics. These assets are then tokenized on the blockchain as BLAGO tokens, creating a transparent and secure record of ownership.
  • AI-Powered Asset Management: The AI manages the flow of assets, directing users to transfer funds between accounts to fulfill identified needs. This intelligent system ensures efficient and targeted resource allocation.
  • Blockchain for Transparency: All asset movements are mirrored on the blockchain, creating an immutable record of transactions and promoting trust and accountability within the network.
  • 3. Governance:
  • Collective Decision-Making: All users participate in governing the network. This includes voting on critical aspects such as the logic of smart contracts, the training models for the AI, and the distribution of resources.
  • Empowering the Community: BLAGO empowers users to directly shape the future of the network, ensuring it aligns with the collective vision and values of its members.
  • 4. Interaction:
  • Accessibility: Users interact with BLAGO through an intuitive web interface or a dedicated Telegram bot. This makes the platform readily accessible and user-friendly, regardless of technical expertise.
  • Seamless Integration: These interfaces connect users seamlessly to the blockchain and AI components of the network, enabling them to express needs, manage assets, participate in governance, and contribute to the overall well-being of the community.
  • This comprehensive breakdown showcases the innovative potential of BLAGO. By combining blockchain, AI, and a commitment to equality and shared prosperity, BLAGO offers a compelling model for a more just and fulfilling future.



BLAGO - decentralized neural network

The project is based on generally accepted human concepts, such as: well-being, reliability, prudence, beneficence, unity, equality, love of freedom and other